Donate for Premises Acquisition

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam and Humanity

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu, May Peace and Blessings of Allah Be With You!

In the spirit of unity and faith, we reach out to you with a heartfelt appeal. We have an incredible opportunity to secure the future of our beloved mosque, but we need your support to make it a reality.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has assured us of immense blessings for those who contribute to the construction of a mosque. He said, “Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah (from his own wealth), Allah will build a house for him in Paradise.” (Agreed upon, Sahih-ul-Bakhari No.: 439, Sahih Muslim No.: 533).

Our mosque premises are at risk of being sold to a private entity, and we have set a target price of £650,000 to secure its ownership. We envision this acquisition happening in two stages, each with its unique significance.

In the first stage, we aim to raise £300,000 for the initial deposit. Your generous contributions during this stage will pave the way for us to take a crucial step towards preserving our mosque. The second stage involves collecting the remaining £350,000 to complete the purchase, ensuring a lasting home for our community.

The current donations and weekly collections, though valuable, fall short of the required amount for the deposit. The urgency lies in expanding our mosque to accommodate more brothers and sisters, many of whom are currently unable to attend due to limited space. During crowded times, some even have to pray outside in adverse weather conditions.

We extend a warm invitation to you and your representatives to visit our mosque at your convenience. This will provide an opportunity to showcase our premises, discuss our plans, and explore ways in which you can play a vital role in securing the future of our mosque.

Your time and assistance are invaluable to us, and we express our deepest gratitude for your consideration. May Allah reward your generosity abundantly.

Jazakumullahu Khairan,
May Allah’s blessings be upon you all.