Our History

Lambeth Masjid and Progressive Community Centre was officially opened in June 2009. This was because there was a strong demand and need for a place of worship and community centre. The committee of the centre have started meeting and collecting money since 2008 and started searching for a suitable and cheap place to rent. The committee have found a stationary shop that was owned by a Muslim sister and converted it for the purpose of prayer area and community projects.

The Masjid offers prayer facilities for about 200 brothers and roughly 20 sisters. This capacity is regularly exceeded which means local Muslim residents have to travel to farer places be able to perform their congregational prayers.

Due to the size of the centre, the premise is unsuitable for other community uses e.g. marriage ceremonies, bereavement facilities, facilities for Muslim women and general or specific youth facilities as well as health and fitness.

One of the main objectives of Lambeth Masjid & Progressive Community Centre is to have an Islamic centre that is run by the local Muslims but available to all the community.

Before Renovation

After Renovation