This is the only community centre in all of Camberwell and Loughborough-Junction.  For this reason many people come to request assistance from us.  Unfortunately, due to shortage of funds we are unable to assist.

The centre is set up by an Islamic organisation; however, it is designed entirely for the community as a whole.  The centre is used both by Muslims and non Muslims

Loughborough Junction is a poor area with a large number of BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic) communities.

There is a need for integration and advancement so that the local people can progress to better living and better employment.

It is our aim to motivate people into returning to work by assisting them with training and encouragement.

It is our aim to assist women who have had trouble in their marriage or those who have suffered violence.

The centre requires to-recruit people who will dedicate their time and expertise to carry out all the projects.


  • To provide culturally specific and targeted English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), numeracy skills and other appropriate Skills for Life learning to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities and in particular, to those that have been unable to secure places in learning institutions and those that are on pre-beginners level. 
  • To empower and encourage BAME communities, adults and children to adapt a culture of learning by enacting after school programmes for children and family learning schemes for whole families. Additionally, to empower the BAME community to understand the UK education system and how best they can participate in the democratic process within the education realm.
  • To relieve unemployment amongst people from BAME communities through the provision of specific job matching and job search initiatives.
  • To empower and re-skill BAME communities with employment and enterprise skills, through bespoke pre-employment and business training.
  • To develop the skills of BAME communities so that they are able to function socially and economically within the UK life system.
  • To raise awareness on issues relating to health and healthy living by empowering, enriching, challenging, motivating and enhancing the lives of BAME communities through health awareness schemes, sporting and fitness activities, liaising with health service providers and involving BAME communities to take a lead in making decisions that meet their health and well-being needs.
  • To promote and champion inter-faith and inter-community efforts between the BAME communities and other communities for the purpose of community cohesion and integration